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Impostor to Stockholm II

This is the second part to what the getting into medicine field was for me.

    Moving to hostel/dorms, away from home. Listening to those words entice you that you no longer are gonna be monitored, you can party all night long and sleep all day. But there are certain repercussions. You move out of the house you call home with some complete strangers, away from your family whose members annoy you most of the time but they are the people you can not live without and the first ones you look for when you are in trouble or for emotional support.

    The first day at the hostel, Lala(my father) drops me and my roommate off ( cuz we from the same town and kinda knew each other vaguely) and we reach there at around sunset. We start to unpack and set stuff into room into our own decided sides. Not even half way through, our door gets knocked and seniors are there demanding their hierarchical right to rag us. We or specifically, I panic and start making calls to every possible contact I can think of in the university, beginning with my abbu whom I called. After all that was over it was way past midnight. I lay down, all excited to go to university tomorrow but I could not sleep because all of sudden, from no where I had started to realize that this is not gonna be partying everyday like they show on films.

    We come back from university, I have already started to count days. "it's Monday, only three days to go before I can go home?" and " There are no classes after 12.30 pm, what even in hell am I gonna do in this hell hole?". Then, I decided to leave for home everyday, I get off earlier than 12.30pm cuz I can reach my home in 1.5 hours. Instead of studying, I spent most of time in travelling. My parents thought it was because of food that I could not stay there but food was just one aspect of it. From having no social skills, to having no clue how to study? My dream of becoming a medical doctor was way harder than it seemed.


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